Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pedal powered kayak's

Well today I bring no exciting news, other then I will be relieved of my parents presence this week when the hairy plane carries them far away, to a land so distance it’s unlikely that they could “Pop around for a cup of tea”. Yes they are heading back to WA, only to leave me in peace. Something I have really learnt to appreciate over the last few days I can assure you!

Anyway plans are in motion as Zac the monkey boy and myself set to work figuring out the finer details of our road trip. Quaintly labelled the Alby Mangels Gun Safari; due to kick off on the 26th of October. Like I said.. The finer details, include 50kg’s of rice which which have been accuired from Zac’s mother’s “end of the world” secret stash, a few guns and two Kayak’s. Did I say Kayak? Yes, it would seem at this stage that taking a small powered vessel like a dingy would be rather, well cliché. Why not just pedal to an offshore island like Dirt Hartog on two Kayak’s which are carefully bound together with high tensile twine and two light weight crossbeams? Yes that’s right pedal powered Kayak’s on the high seas!

From my comfy office chair this sounds like it's leading up to be a great adventure with little limits. But then again if our previous escapades are anything to go by, then I imagine limits are just a line made to be jumped at full speed, drunk and semi naked!

1 comment:

Kez said...

well, congrats on your 'freedom' from the 'rents.
This adventure sounds a little...queasy but good luck all the same. Your enthusiasm is admirable haha.