Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To wake up 25 years old..

“You keep this up and you’ll never live to see 21”, her bark echoed across the yard. There was a time when I wondered why she never bothered applying for a public relation position with the government. Distilling fear and loathing in the minds of those gullible enough to listen..

I didn’t.

Aching bones and a body bloated with booze the sure sign of years gone by, viciously consumed in a raging drunken stupor. No regrets, it was all in good fun I refreshingly reminded myself as I wearily crawled out of bed. At least my soul’s intact.


Kez said...

Happy birthday!!!
Now I have smsed you, commented on your blog and facebook commented to let you know that I hope you have had a great day.
You made it mate, escaping death by accident in dodgey car/van, drinking incidents, and women scorned (enough said).
Can't wait to catch up with you - whenever the hell that will be!

BloodRedRoses said...

It's your birthday?? Happy birthday!!!

hope is was (is?) an awesome day...

Anonymous said...

lol! Oh my gosh sweetie! At least your souls intact....thats what she said. lol!!