Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well I thought I would share some pic's from the last week of misadventure, instead of ranting on about another booze soaked sleep deprived camping trip.. Lets just say it was a good week, and a little unexpected. Over a few days we travelled some 1000+KM in a attemped to catch an unsuspecting Editor/Blogger Mark Roy. Catch him over at "The Nerve", it's probably easier and definately worth the read.. Anyway more on that later.

Monkeyboy on the road to Albany, WA

A necessity of all road trips!

Hope you enjoyed.. I sure did!


Kez said...

wow, that's some very nice flowery photography! Glad you had another mini adventure to keep ya going!

Juice said...

You know Kez i have to have at least one trip each week to keep me sane. Working in an office again is killing me!!

Rab said...

Pretty pics dude. I feel your pain, bowing again to bureaucracy, it's bullshit. But at least you have the time to get out and about to see stuff. Hope to see you in time for beerfest ;)

Mark Roy said...

ah mate, relaxing with another bonfire and some barbecued stingray... it was a good week

Mark Roy said...

ah mate, relaxing with another bonfire and some barbecued stingray... it was a good week