Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Face of Western Australia

And in the end all there was left to do was sit back and just accept it for what it was. I couldn’t change it, or be sad about it, just embrace it. I pulled the cash from my wallet and handed the thirty odd dollars over the bar – this won’t last forever I thought to myself – all this horrific price gouging – you filthy swine, the ruthless hand of life has already struck and you beg, and sweat and stay awake at night.. I laughed at your pained expressions as you awkwardly steered your pride helplessly into its seaside docks. Your flabby neck-chin floating around in the empty space like a chickens wattles, you bellowed orders to your princess wife who struggled with those heavy ropes – and the kids cringed and looked to sea – you raised your voice again, a meek cover for your incompetence, you coward, you fool. You are a con-man, and now you’ve become the one who is conned. You did this to yourself, sickly nights awake and long day’s sweating as you shouted empty orders at those below you – forever you wanted to just please your wife, it’s what you both thought you wanted. A new house, a new car, furnishings with chrome and leather finish, timber floors, spare bedrooms – then she complained it was all to much – and the kids where a handful. She started drinking with some friends, attending lunches during the long days as your face went red and your eye’s bloodshot with stress. And it was all love and happiness – you ate your food by yourself, late and cold as usual. The plasma’s backlight glowed heavy in your vacant face as you slurped down your Crown Larger. She told the kids not to disturb you – but she need not bother as they already knew.

It’s the cost we pay, and you, well you just went too far – like your other friends you all have dazzling big boats now, but deep down you know it’s just a ship wreck. Or maybe you don’t, maybe you are that stupid, you are that deluded, you believe this is it. You spent so much time believing life was gained though material excess, and as did your wife, but now you don’t talk. Well not in depth, like the days when you were young and free. You remember those picnics under the shade of those beautiful peppermint trees don’t you, the soft green grass and the smell of salted morning mist which sprayed up from off the surf.. You do don’t you? You would spend hours talking about everything and anything, even about having kids – smelling the roses you brought her as a gift of sincerity, kindness and love.

Then you hear it, that god awful sound as the gun rail crashes heavily against the muscle encrusted pylon and the fibre glass twists absorbing the forceful impact. And your face is flush with heat, and your words shoot out like poisoned tipped bullets, yes you meant those words for her. “Why didn’t you fend the boat?”, And for a brief minute she looks to the ground with pity in her eye’s, and the ropes almost fall from her hands.. She doesn’t know you anymore, not these words which cut like a finely crafted double edge sword.

The wheel was in your hands…

When did we let all this happen to our beautiful state – ripping the heart from the ground beneath our feet, whoring it off like an unloved daughter so that we could have more.. More of what I ask?


Juice said...

No.. haha :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - really thought provoking. I've had to read it twice to absorb it.
Great writing.