Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm back, but not for long!

I casually strolled around the markets dimly lit paths. I felt strong and free, cheery and comfortable. It had now been six months since I first scoured the street’s lost with my own thoughts, and few to share them with. My phone constantly attached to my hand anticipating some minor interaction with someone, anyone. Had they forgotten me back home I thought as I explored the new and foreign City? But tonight, Market night was different, six months later I now had all the friends I needed. No not the usual same old faces who are there for me in the end, instead new friends who were enjoying the journey with me.

Leaving Darwin wasn’t going to be so easy..

Miss H, well I won’t say much here that she doesn’t already know. But she was a delightful find just over top of a mid morning beer froth. I was sitting out the front of a bar with some guys, it was still early in the day but we hadn’t figured there was not much else to do. So in true sailor fashion drinking some oat soda was priority. Anyway this attractive sort was walking past, when with all grandeur met, I proceeded to call out some drunken coo of desperation and depravity. Can you say Bogan? But in short, and short the interlude was it would be the start of a great friendship.

Lotus, a guess was another rare gem that you don’t expect to find, but more just stumble upon and wonder why you didn’t know each other earlier. Okay we’ll get one thing straight, the guy can juggle better then a batman crossed with a clown. You see I think he figured that juggling with hands was for people who didn’t have much time for anything else. But not this man, pure genius had him juggling on his foot! Rather a cool person to meet, and after speaking with him and sharing some of his insight’s on life, a great person to befriend. Remember, this mountain of man: much more then a foot bag extraordinaire. Actually a lot more as I would learn and enjoy over a few quiet ale’s and some home made absinth. Check out his photography!

Then there is a handful of other’s like Nancy’s and Rachel the friendly back packers who remind you what it is to be free, and friendly. You know being friendly doesn’t cost much, but it’s a hell of a way to live isn’t it. The thing I first noticed when I stepped off the plane (And yes straight into a pub before going home), is how people in Perth don’t really seem to interact with each other. Rather they form little circles in the pub and exclude by passers. Let me paint a picture of Darwin..

It was around 10pm on a Sunday night when Miss H and I were leaving the Mindel Beach Market’s. Tonight opting to slack the couple kilometre walk back home and catch a share taxi. Anyway the way these share taxi’s work is you jump in and they wait until it’s full before departing, nothing to hard to comprehend. Well on this particular perfect weather night though, we were waiting a while as the crowd had already thinned out. So as you do in Darwin, we all get talking about the where ya from’s, and what’s your name.. And by the time the Taxi driver called out “Where too”, we had all decided to head to the bar for some beer. Not sure that could ever happen in any other place, and that’s what makes Darwin what it is.

Anyway, so I’m back for now but not promising to be here long….. What’s the word for it, “Bitten by the bug”.

1 comment:

Kez said...

Welcome back...for now ;)