Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"I sat there a long time, and thought about a lot of things. Foremost among them was the suspicion that my strange and ungovernable instincts might do me in before I had a chance to get rich. No matter how much I wanted all those things that I needed money to buy, there was some devilish current pushing me off in another direction - toward anarchy and poverty and craziness. That maddening delusion that a man can lead a decent life without hiring himself out as a Judas Goat" - The Rum Diary, Hunter S Thompson.

Finally got some internet, but I now just have to find the time to post!

Blog soon :)


Kez said...

Yay - Can't wait to read your next blog entry.
Hope you've been keeping well :)

Rab said...

You're BAAAAACK! I've missed you!

Mark Roy said...

i remember someone quoting the good doctor at Tanglehead just recently ... where have your delusions taken you now Dewse?